Rainbow Recovery Club
3/303 Riley St, Surry Hills NSW 2010
Volunteer Information
As we approach the summer season, with Mardi Gras and The Fair Day festivities next on the agenda.
As one of the primary LGBTiA + 12th step recovery support organisations in Sydney. Rainbow Recovery Club always work to have a presence at both events, and as such events alert the community that there is a way to have a quality of life in recovery from alcoholism, addiction & other compulsive behaviours.
Such events come at a cost both financial and in terms of manpower. For help with these costs/events we seek assistance from the Clean & Sober Community
Fair-day Donations
We are seeking donations from the community to help fund our traditional baked goods stall at Fair-day.
Traditionally funds raised from the Stall go towards helping pay for the Living Clean & Sober float in the Mardi Gras parade.
If you would like to make a donation to help, please make an electronic deposit to:
BSB: 032-002
Account Number: 40-7601
Bank ref “BAKE”
Donations can also be made at any Westpac branch.
Note: donations are not tax deductible.
Many thanks for your help.
Yours in Service
Rainbow Recovery Club Committee